Back and Back

You’ll all be glad to hear skiing was a success, and that I’m back behind the wheel. Unfortunately (for this site, at least), I’m also back to another semester of university, so I won’t have nearly as much time to update things as I have in the past month. The silver lining is that I’ll be learning a whole bunch of exciting, new (hopefully) things about software engineering and Web development which will make me more productive (and interesting) in the future.

And yet there’s so much to do and talk about! I’ll keep this post nice and generic, but know that I have a whole bunch of exciting projects just waiting for a chance at development, and come the end of semester I plan on making as many of them happen as possible over the 3+ month holiday. In the meantime, I’ll keep working on Piemaster projects occasionally, and writing about some of the things I’m learning. Who knows, it could even be a good form of revision.

We also just hit the milestone of 1,000 visits! Total. For the whole site. Ever. That may not sound like a very big deal to anyone else, but it’s a nice achievement for me, so I’d like to thank each and every one of you who was responsible for a hit. I’m extremely happy to have been able to help a few different people with a few different things while entertaining myself along the way, and I hope I can keep it up. Now that I have something to work for, there will hopefully be fewer news blackouts. I love you guys!