With semester one of university now completed (after my final exam yesterday), I am once again free to kick on with development of the good ship Piemaster and all that sail in her. There’s so very much work to do and I’ve been looking forward to it for quite some time now, having played around with a few new technologies during semester.
One of the primary objectives I hope to complete is to start posting more regularly about interesting new things as I come across them, and retrospectives of my experiences as I have them. I will try even harder now to make time for these, despite having said that repeatedly before.
I’ve also started working on a new game (a simple Asteroids clone at first, then something more sophisticated) taking advantage of a beautiful new framework I discovered, which I will write more about later. I’m putting development of my productivity-type applications on hold for the holidays and diving headlong into game development, for a few reasons: it was (indirectly) the topic of a subject at uni last semester; it’s much easier to get feedback from myself and others; it can more easily be defined as “finished”; and I just really enjoy creating games, whether in my head, on paper or with a computer. There should be plenty to write about along the way.
So that’s enough for now, and I’ll expand on a few of these points in the near future. Welcome back, and I hope to be able to provide a few things of real value within the next 3 weeks.
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